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Hockey Challenge 2014

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Part 3 of my Q and A with Coach Rob Sumner

Part 3 of my interview with Rob Sumner. Keep in mind now that these questions were asked and answered a couple of weeks ago.

Hunnex: Is Sena going to show up in shape this year?

Sumner: I believe he will be in great shape. I saw him in mid-July and he looked very fit. Colin Alexander saw him last week and was very impressed, so yes, I believe he will be very well conditioned. Not every guy understands the importance of training and conditioning at a young age. Some guys get it right away and for others it takes longer. Sena is a player with so many unique talents. If he has matured to the point where he understands how good he can be and what it will take to get there, I believe he will take huge steps and will have a huge impact on our team.

Hunnex: How do you expect to split playing time for the goaltenders? Do you see Jake playing as many as 60 games?

Sumner: I am very optimistic with our depth in the goaltending position. Jake is keen to be the main guy and is coming off a great second half and successful NHL draft, Pickard is a young guy who was maybe our best player in all of camp last year, and Jahraus has had a taste with Tri City and will be trying to prove he can play at the WHL level. So for me to say how many games Jake will play at this point would be a little premature.

Hunnex: The OHL recently has been rumored to be suggesting to the CHL that they would like to eliminate the Import Draft. Any thoughts on that?

Sumner: There are obviously factors that contribute to this even being a topic in the CHL today. I’m sure the General Manager’s and Governor’s of the WHL will steer the league in the appropriate direction at the appropriate time. My personal opinion is that I love having import players. It makes the team and dressing room so much more interesting and fun having players with different backgrounds. Oh yeah…it also helps if they’re great players.

Hunnex: What kind of personal professional goals do you have for yourself?

Sumner: Win a Memorial Cup. That is one goal that I have yet to achieve. We have developed into a strong team but still have yet to win the whole thing. My focus is to do the best possible job in my current position before I think too far ahead to other possibilities. It’s one of those situations where unless you succeed, you don’t have to worry about moving up anyways. My family and I love Seattle and to be here or anywhere else one day, it would have to be a fit for our whole family, not just me as a hockey coach.

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